
What Students say ...

Dear Ziyue,
I just wanna say thank you for letting me participate in your classes! I have improved my weaknesses in reading, and you volunteering is really nice! I’m also getting along with the kids in my group, so I’m also having a great time! I will continue my journey to achieve my dreams. You have played a nice role in my journey, so thank you for volunteering for our reading group. I look forward to keep reading with y’all ;D

 – Emily Z. Cao 

Dear David,

I drew a picture with Turkey, trees, leaves, pumpkin for you. Wishing you a very happy Thanksgiving! 🙂                                                                                                                                                                                  – Lawrence 

Thank you notes galley for Ally Chen (Junior teacher of 1st grade Reading class)

Thank you cards for Kevin (Junior teacher of 1st grade Math class)


Holiday Testimonials

Rise and Shine Youth Leadership是加州正式注册的501(c)(3)非盈利公益组织,旨在为中学生提供一个服务社区,帮助老人和孩子的成长平台。创立1年多来,除了各类义工活动,我们的 ️Sunshine Reading Club 的40多位义工小老师付出时间精力,带着弟弟妹妹读书,帮助他们培养良好阅读习惯!


1. 发在群里@义工(你想要感谢的小老师或者小老师想要感谢的孩子),同时@Julie  和 @Sophia 义工
2. Email to: Riseandshineyouthleadership@gmail.com Subject 请写: 互动感恩
3. 请扫码入”互动感恩”群,可以发在群里



Life is wonderful because of gratitude!

Rise and Shine Youth Leadership is a 501(c)(3) non-profit charity organization officially registered in California. It aims to provide community services for middle school students and is platform to help the elderly and children. Since its establishment over a year ago, in addition to various volunteer activities, more than 40 volunteer teachers in our Sunshine Reading Club have devoted their time and energy to bring their younger brothers and sisters to develop good reading habits!

Life is wonderful because you know how to be grateful! In the season of gratitude, RISE invites children to write words of encouragement and support for the teachers and to draw some greeting cards to support and thank the teachers! Teachers also write warm words to their students. We believe that today’s students will also become tomorrow’s teachers! Please also ask the teachers to write to the children!


To submit children’s words and greeting cards, parents can:

1. Post to the WeChat group @义工(the teacher you want to thank or the child the teacher wants to thank for), at the same time @Julie and @Sophia

2. Email to: Riseandshineyouthleadership@gmail.com. For the Subject, please write: Interactive Thanksgiving


3. Please scan the code to enter the “互动感恩” group, you can post in the group

The warm words from students, teachers and parents


I feel that Rise and Shine is a good program because it helps you and kids. You teach kids how to read, which in turn teaches you to be more confident. I used to be shy and did not like public speaking. I am fine with both of these now. Teaching the kids has also helped me develop leadership skills. I need to be able to help and direct the kids while reading so they can learn to enjoy reading fun books. You can also teach with other people, which helps you socialize more with the other teachers. I also had the privilege of being part of the Christmas book drive project , I really enjoyed it . Collaborating in projects is always fun with other people to help and encourage you to achieve the goal. I would recommend this program to my friends.                                                   ——-From Vincy, 1st grade junior teacher

感恩机缘巧合加入了sunshine reading club,小老师Arthur 和 Elissa都非常用心负责。首先,选书从小朋友的长远出发,fiction和non fiction结合,尤其是人文历史方面,对扩宽孩子的知识面和理解能力非常有效。作为一个好动的男娃妈妈,看到他在学校reading 测评中居然是N level,觉得非常满足,这和小老师的带领持续阅读是分不开的。其次,小老师们亦师亦友,在课堂上对孩子温和耐心引导,加深了孩子对书的理解。课堂形式也丰富多样,竞答活动促进了娃的自主阅读。最后,再次感谢小老师们和小老师的父母们的无私付出,棒棒的娃后面一定有着棒棒的父母!

                                                                                         ——From Yuchen’s mom- Emma Liu . Yuchen is student from 2nd grade Thursday 5:00pm


谢谢!特别高兴Yuchen能够加入这个阅读班,我听过几次课,因为他新加入,还有点担心会不会和别的小朋友不熟,会影响他上课。结果他上课非常积极,性格开朗,很快适应班级的节奏,也预习的很好,很幸运有这么好的小朋友加入!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ——From mom of 2nd grade Thursday 5:00pm teacher to Yuchen’s mom

Thank you Justin and Brayden for teaching us and choosing great books for us to read. I really appreciate it and all your hard work! I hope you have a great Thanksgiving!     

                                                                                                                                                    ——From 6th grade Saturday 7:00pm student Kevin 

To all my students of past, present, and future: Thank you for the kind words. It has been, and will continue to be, a pleasure working with you all in the Sunshine Reading Club.

                                                                                                                    ——From 6th grade Saturday 7:00pm teacher Brayden 

Hi Arthur and Elissa,  thanks for teaching me on Magic Tree and Who was series book, I like the way you encouraged me, I like the book related games you created on Kahoot. The past year was such fun and I really enjoy reading with you! 

                                                                                                                                 ——From  2nd grade Thursday 5pm student Daniel

在这感恩节之即,特别要对RISE Janek 小老师 和Scott小老师,说声谢谢 !“读史使人明智,读诗使人聪慧” ,小朋友们在这一年读的书,受益匪浅。感恩你们的陪伴和付出!也要对Elizabeth小老师 ,Priya小老师说声谢谢 !感谢你们作为义工付出的努力和心血,也谢谢Rise and Shine组织这么好的阅读活动!

                                                                                                                                         ——From Kiki/Charlie 6th grade students of  Friday and Sunday

Very thankful for your letter, Ming! I can tell you put a lot of thought into it                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ——From 5th grade Thursday 5:30pm teacher Henry Lee to student Ming

Dear reading club teachers,
So far I’ve read 2 books and really enjoyed it. Although I did not participate in reading that much (and I know I didn’t). Thank you for all the times that added more knowledge to my brain. I know I don’t have much to write about, but thanks for the hours of time we read.

Dana                                                                          ——- From 6th grade Sunday 9am student Dana to teachers Elizabeth and Priya

Dear Josh & Leland,  Thanks for leading the reading club! Dora wanna say thank you and happy holidays!

                                                                                                                  ——From 4th grade Monday 4pm student Dora

这里是Dora的妈妈。Dora参加每周一的reading club已经快一年了。每周都在小老师们的带领下读书,做游戏回答问题。Dora很喜欢这个reading club。非常感谢小老师们和班主任chenchen的辛勤付出!
谢谢!                                                                                                            —–From 4th grade Monday 4pm student Dora ‘s mom

非常感谢两位小老师Ziyue Lin 和Jaden一年来的辛苦付出!感谢RISE义工老师们的组织!感恩节快乐!    

                                                                                                                          ——From 5th grade Friday 4:30pm student Zoe’s parent

感谢Amanda和Edward两位小老师抽出宝贵的时间陪伴孩子们读书,感谢小老师家长的支持,大家感恩节快乐🦃️!加油!感谢RISE义工组织的每一位,提供了平台给孩子们!希望RISE义工组织越来越好!感谢!                                                                            ——From 5th grade Sunday 10am class advisor Jing Zhang


Dear Arthur and Elissa, Thank you for teaching me history. I like the way you use Kahoot to prepare quizzes and google Slides to do book reviews. Have a happy thanksgiving 🦃

                                                                                                             —— From Thursday 5:00 PM 2nd grade student Lawrence 🍽


Thank you for your kind words, Lawrence! I’m glad that you are learning from these books. Happy Thanksgiving to you too 

                                                                                                                        —— From Thursday 5:00 PM 2nd grade teacher Arthur😁

Thank you so much Lawrence!! I’m happy that you like the way we are teaching and that you are having fun while still learning. Happy Thanksgiving!                                                                                                          ——-From Thursday 5pm 2nd grade teacher Elissa
Hi Qian, I just wanted to take the time to say thank you for giving me the opportunity to teach and helping me throughout my time at Rise and Shine. Happy Thanksgiving!                                                    —–From 5th grade Thursday 5:30pm teacher David Chen
David, Thank you for your service, and thank you for being responsible. Happy Thanksgiving!    —–From Qian, 5th grade advisor
我们真的很喜欢小老师们,我们上过别的课,那个组早就结束了,小老师们暑假也坚持上课,真是不容易。 我给小老师Josh 和 Leland 一人买了一张gift card,发到他们的邮箱里了,感谢他们这么长时间的付出,望及时查收,然后可以买点喜欢的东西。 
                                                                                                                                ——-From 4th grade Monday 5pm student’s mom
您太客气了!我们是做义工,应该我们谢谢你们给小老师这个宝贵的机会让他们在贡献社区的同时还可以得到锻炼的机会。感恩有你这么热心的家长和认真学习的孩子!                                               ——Response from 4th grade Monday 5pm teacher Josh’s mom to student’s mom above 

Dear Arthur, Thanks for being my teacher.  I like how we use Kahoot, and I like that you put/create the questions in order (While you read the book) And have a good Thanksgiving!

Regards,  Irina                                                                      —– From Thursday 5:00pm 2nd-grade student Irina

From 5th grade Thursday 5:30pm student Ming

From 2nd grade Sunday 4pm student Joshua and Isaac 

From 4th grade Monday 5:00 PM student Dora 

From 5th grade Friday 4:30pm Student Sophia

From 4th grade Monday 5pm student Carina

From 5th grade Sunday 10am student Jason

From  5th grade Sunday 10am student Elsa

Thank you Letter from Alameda County Senior Health Department